Visit Atelier TUFFERY: discover the blue jeans made in Florac
Magical encounter with Przewalski's Horses on the Causse Méjean Steppes
 Ferme Caussenarde d’Autrefois: Going Back in Time at the Heart of Causse Méjean
Hiking In The Jonte Gorges: Beautiful Panoramas  And Immersion Among Vultures
Circuit in the Gorges du Tarn
Astonishing Day in Dargilan Cave and Strolling through Meyrueis Village
Farmhouse goat cheeses from Gautier goat farm
 Wildlife Park Circuit: Meeting the Wild Beasts of Gévaudan
Trout from Florac on the restaurant plate
In search of ceps in Lozère: Mystery, Magic and Mushrooms
Honey from the slopes of Mont Bougès

Opening Periods 2024

Hotel: April 4th to October 31th

Restaurant: April 6th to September 29th

Pool: Beginning of June to end of September

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